
Our policy is to keep our resources free for personal use. However, there is always a cost associated with running a web site and we appreciate donations, however small to help us keep going. We have been pleased with how successful the site has been so far and as we continue to grow we have to rent more server space etc. This where cold, hard cash helps!
You can donate using PayPal or via the mail using a standard cheque (see below).

How to donate using PayPal:

To help you donate using a simple and secure system we have signed up with PayPal.

PayPal are a hugely successful and multi-national e-business company with 10 million users in 36 countries. You can click on the link to read more.

Clicking on the PayPal donate button below will take you to the start of the secure donation procedure.

The procedure is quick and easy and we appreciate your time (and money!)

Please enter the amount you wish to donate and e-mail address when prompted. You can also send a small message with your donation if you wish and you will receive an e-mail confirmation when completed.

You will be returned to our site following donation. Many thanks!

Please donate to Speech Teach by selecting the button below:

How to Donate by Cheque:

  • If you would prefer to donate by cheque or other method, please fill out the form below and we will contact you immediately with mailing details.

    Unfortunately the cost of cashing non-UK cheques is high so donation by cheque is only available to UK residents.


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Web Design Derby by veedesign

©2011 V Jones